The CIML (Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning) group at the department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa has experience in Artificial Intelligence methodologies, ranging from Computational Intelligence to Machine Learning approaches such as Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Probabilistic Learning, Signal and Image processing, and other Pattern Recognition techniques, with an international scientific leadership in topics for Learning in Structured Domains (sequences, trees and graphs/networks). This knowledge led to the development of new methodologies which have been exploited for the design of successful systems in different interdisciplinary application domains.

Spotlight News

"Minimum Spanning Set Selection in Graph Kernels" @ GbR 2023 won the best paper award !

Special Issue (2020/2022) on "Deep Neural Networks for Graphs: Theory, Models, Algorithms and Applications" - IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks and Learning Systems: PDF of the call. Read More

Special Issue (2020/2021) on "New Frontiers in Extremely Efficient Reservoir Computing" - IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks and Learning Systems: PDF of the call. Read More

"Prediction of Dynamical Properties of Biochemical Pathways with Graph Neural Networks" @ BIOSTEC 2020 (Bioinformatics 2020) won the best paper award !

Research Activities

Since the 90's the research of the CIML group addresses the development of new Machine Learning methodologies and the analysis of their computational properties. The research is aimed at defining frameworks for the development of intelligent systems and intelligent data analysis tools for learning in structured domains (sequences, trees, graphs) and for the application to innovative interdisciplinary fields.

The design of new learning algorithms includes Neural Networks, Probabilistic models, Reservoir Computing models, Deep Learning approaches, Kernel-based methods, Support Vector Machines, and other Pattern Recognition techniques, with an international scientific leadership in topics for adaptive processing of structured data.

The application fields include Medicine/Health care, BioInformatics, ChemInformatics, Robotics, Intelligent Wireless Sensor Networks, and Signal/Image Processing.

The Group has participated in several EU and national funded projects.


Learning in Structured Domains

Deep Neural Networks

Reservoir Computing

Probabilistic Models

Kernel Methods


Intelligent Data Analysis

ChemInformatics (QSPR/QSAR, Toxicology)


Health/biomedical Informatics

Robotics and Wireless Sensor Networks

Signal and Image Analysis

Intelligent/Adaptive Sensor Networks

Ambient Assisted Living

Parallel Computing

Human Activity Recognition


Alessio Micheli

Full Professor, Head of CIML

Davide Bacciu

Full Professor

Claudio Gallicchio

Associate Professor

Antonio Carta

Assistant Professor

Andrea Cossu

Assistant Professor

Vincenzo Lomonaco

Assistant Professor

Lucia Passaro

Assistant Professor

Marco Podda

Assistant Professor

Andrea Ceni

Post-Doc Researcher

Valerio De Caro

Post-Doc Researcher

Alessio Gravina

Post-Doc Researcher

Riccardo Massidda

Post-Doc Researcher

Luca Pedrelli

Post-doc Researcher

Domenico Tortorella

Post-Doc Researcher

Marco Cardia

PhD Student

Alessandro Dipalma

PhD Student

Michele Fontanesi

PhD Student

Sara Joubbi

PhD Student

Malio Li

PhD Student

Luca Miglior

PhD Student

Matteo Ninniri

PhD Student

Elia Piccoli

PhD Student

Luigi Quarantiello

PhD Student

Rudy Semola

PhD Student

Lorenzo Simone

PhD Student

Matteo Tolloso

PhD Student

Alessandro Trenta

PhD Student

Past Members

Antonina Starita

Full Professor

Umberto Barcaro

Associate Professor

Francesco Masulli

Associate Professor

Luca Oneto

Associate Professor

Daniele Castellana

Post-Doc Researcher

Giovanna Maria Dimitri

Post-doc Researcher

Francesco Landolfi

Post-Doc Researcher

Rita Pucci

Post-Doc Researcher

Flavio Baronti

PhD Student

Francesco Crecchi

PhD Student

Daniele Di Sarli

PhD Student

Federico Errica

PhD Student

Danilo Numeroso

PhD Student

Francesco Odierna

PhD Student

Alessandro Passaro

PhD Student

Michele Resta

PhD Student

Daniela Rotelli

PhD Student

Andrea Valenti

PhD Student

Antonio Bruno

Research Contractor

Franco Alberto Cardillo


Katuscia Cerbioni

Elena Palanca

Marco Righi


Asma Sattar

PhD Student



A computing toolkit for building efficient autonomous applications leveraging humanistic intelligence
Funder: EU H2020
Year: 2020-2022

Trustworthy AI Integrating Logic, Optimization and Reasoning
Funder: EU H2020
Year: 2020-2023

Decrease of cOgnitive decline, malnutRition and sedEntariness by elderly empowerment in lifestyle Management and social Inclusion
Funder: EU FP7
Year: 2013-2016

Robotics UBIquitous COgnitive Network
Funder: EU FP7
Year: 2011-2014



Extended Partnerships: "Artificial Intelligence: Fundamental aspects": FAIR - Future Artificial Intelligence Research
Funder: NextGeneration EU programme
Year: 2023-2026

Ecosystems: "THE - Tuscany Health Ecosystem"
Funder: NextGeneration EU programme
Year: 2022-2025

Brugada syndrome and Artificial Intelligence applications to Diagnosis
Funder: Regione Toscana
Year: 2020-2023



Data-Driven Approaches for Resilient and Sustainable Transport Services
Collaborator: MAIOR
Year: 2022-2023


Machine Learning applied to corrugated cardboard production
Collaborator: FOSBER S.p.A
Year: 2021-2022


Intel COVID-19 response grant
Collaborator: Intel
Year: 2020-2021

Artificial Intelligence for mobility monitoring and management
Collaborator: TAGES
Year: 2019-2019

Machine Learning models for industrial process of Big Data
Collaborator: ST Microelectronics
Year: 2015-2016


Machine Learning analysis of biological signals
Collaborator: Biobeats
Year: 2016-2016


Partner Institutions

CIML is part of the CLAIRE (Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe) Research Network.

Highlighted Publications

A. Micheli and D. Tortorella
Discrete-time dynamic graph echo state networks Neurocomputing, 496, 85-95, 2022


D. Bacciu, F. Errica, A. Micheli, and M. Podda
A Gentle Introduction to Deep Learning for Graphs Neural Networks, 129, 203-221, 2020


Software and Datasets

The CIML group developed and released software and data sets related to the Research Activities, including innovative ML models for structured data code and datasets for the application areas (related to the original paper publications).

See the “Read More” for a complete list.


Current CIML members have been teaching (since early 2000s)  courses related to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for the BSc and MSc degrees of the University of Pisa.

Past Courses


Alessio Micheli
Tel: +39 050 2212798


Dipartimento di Informatica
Largo B. Pontecorvo, 3
56127 Pisa, Italy